Next Gen Personal Finance Education: Teaching Resources for High Schoolers Teachers to Teach Stock Education

 Next Gen Personal Finance Education: Teaching Resources for High Schoolers Teachers to Teach Stock Education

Enroll in the Cohort 39 Certification Courses.  

Join us for our upcoming Cohort 39 certification courses and take your career to the next level! Our comprehensive programs are designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in your field. Whether you’re looking to expand your expertise in data analytics, project management, or cybersecurity, our courses offer the latest industry insights and best practices. Led by experienced instructors, our interactive and engaging training sessions will empower you to tackle real-world challenges with confidence. Register now to secure your spot in Cohort 39 and gain the competitive edge you need to thrive in today’s fast-paced business environment. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to invest in yourself and your future. Register today! 


The duration of the session will be three weeks, running from November 27th to December 12th.  

The three-week session running from November 27th to December 12th offers a comprehensive and intensive learning experience for all participants. With a variety of classes, workshops, and activities, students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their chosen subjects while also gaining valuable skills and knowledge. Whether it’s language courses, art programs, or professional development workshops, there is something for everyone in this session. The condensed timeframe allows for a focused approach to learning and encourages active participation from all attendees. By the end of the session, participants can expect to have expanded their horizons, acquired new abilities, and made lasting connections with their peers. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to grow and learn in a dynamic and supportive environment. 

Current financial education policy outlines for each state.  

It is crucial for individuals to have access to up-to-date financial education policy summaries for every state in order to make informed decisions about their personal finances. With varying regulations and requirements across different states, having a centralized source of information can help individuals understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to financial matters. This could include information on state-specific financial literacy programs, requirements for financial education in schools, and consumer protection laws. By providing comprehensive and easily accessible summaries, individuals can take control of their financial well-being and make informed choices to better their financial futures. This type of resource can help promote financial literacy and empower individuals to build a solid foundation for their financial success. 

Toolkit for Community Advocacy

The Toolkit for Community Advocacy is a comprehensive resource designed to empower individuals to become effective advocates for their communities. This toolkit provides a wealth of information, including tips on building coalitions, creating strategic communication plans, and organizing grassroots campaigns. It also offers practical tools such as sample advocacy letters, templates for meeting agendas, and guides on utilizing social media for advocacy efforts. The toolkit equips advocates with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the political and social landscape and to effectively engage with decision-makers to bring about positive change. With the Toolkit for Community Advocacy, individuals and organizations have the resources they need to make a meaningful impact in their communities. 

Advocate for the implementation of a Personal Finance course at your school.  

I am passionate about championing a personal finance course for my school because I believe it is an essential skill for students to learn. In today’s complex financial world, having a strong foundation in personal finance is crucial for making informed decisions about saving, investing, and managing debt. By introducing a personal finance course, we can empower students to take control of their finances and set themselves up for a successful future. This course would provide practical and relevant information that students can apply in their everyday lives, setting them on a path towards financial literacy and stability. I am committed to advocating for the addition of a personal finance course to our school’s curriculum. 

All the resources required to impart financial skills confidently are available for free.  

With our free resources, you can teach financial skills with confidence. Our comprehensive materials cover topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt. Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or community leader, you’ll find everything you need to educate others about personal finance. From lesson plans to interactive activities, our resources are designed to engage and empower learners of all ages. With our support, you can feel confident in your ability to equip others with the knowledge and skills they need to make sound financial decisions. Best of all, our materials are 100% free, so you can access them anytime and anywhere. 


Financial literacy is a crucial life skill, yet many people lack the knowledge and resources to make informed financial decisions. That’s why free financial literacy curriculum is so important. By providing accessible and comprehensive education on topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management, this curriculum empowers individuals to take control of their financial futures. It can be used in schools, community centers, and even online, reaching a wide audience of all ages and backgrounds. By increasing financial literacy, we can help people make smarter financial choices, reduce debt, and build a more secure and stable financial future for themselves and their families. 


In today’s competitive job market, free professional development opportunities are more valuable than ever. Many employers provide access to online courses, workshops, and seminars to help their employees enhance their skills and stay up to date with industry trends. Taking advantage of these resources can not only improve job performance but also increase job satisfaction and potentially lead to career advancement. Additionally, there are countless free resources available outside of the workplace, such as webinars, networking events, and online communities, where professionals can learn from each other and grow their expertise. By investing time in free professional development, individuals can continue to thrive in their careers and remain competitive in their field. 

Encouraging Community Engagement and Support for Advocacy  

Inspiring community and advocacy go hand in hand, as the power of a united group can bring about real change. When individuals come together with a shared goal and a passion for creating positive impact, they can inspire others to take action and ultimately influence decision-makers. From advocating for environmental protection to championing for social justice, a strong and passionate community can drive meaningful change. Through collaborative efforts, community members can inspire each other to be bold and vocal in their advocacy, creating a ripple effect of positive influence. By rallying together and amplifying their voices, communities can truly make a difference in the world. 

The NGPF (Next Gen Personal Finance) units are a comprehensive set of resources designed to teach students essential personal finance skills. These units cover a wide range of topics including budgeting, saving, investing, banking, credit, insurance, and more. Each unit includes interactive activities, real-world case studies, and assessments to ensure that students are engaged and learning effectively. The NGPF units are aligned with national standards and are designed to be easily integrated into the existing curriculum. With a focus on practical, real-world applications, these units provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed financial decisions now and in the future. 

 Peruse the unit-specific categories to locate instructional materials, interactive resources, answer guides, and assessments.  

When you browse by unit, you can easily find all the resources you need for a specific topic. From lessons and interactive resources to answer keys and assessments, everything is organized for a seamless learning experience. The unit-based approach allows you to access all the necessary materials in one place, making it convenient for both teachers and students. Whether you’re looking for supplementary materials or trying to assess your understanding of a particular unit, browsing by unit ensures that you have everything you need at your fingertips. This streamlined approach to accessing resources can save time and make the learning process more efficient. 


plays a crucial role in the economy by providing financial services to individuals, businesses, and governments. It involves activities such as accepting deposits, providing loans, and facilitating payment transactions. Banks also offer various financial products and services, including savings accounts, credit cards, and investment opportunities. Additionally, banks play a significant role in the overall stability and functioning of the financial system by managing risks and providing liquidity. With the advancement of technology, banking services have become more accessible and convenient through online and mobile banking. Overall, banking plays a vital role in supporting economic growth and development. 

Different Categories of Credit

Credit comes in a variety of types, each catering to different financial needs. Revolving credit, like credit cards and lines of credit, allows for continual borrowing up to a certain limit, while installment credit, such as auto loans and mortgages, is repaid in set payments over a specified period. Open credit, like utility bills and cell phone bills, creates a balance that must be paid in full each month. Additionally, there are secured and unsecured credit options; secured credit requires collateral, while unsecured credit does not. Understanding the various types of credit can help individuals make informed decisions about which option best suits their financial goals and circumstances. 

 Credit management

Managing credit is an essential financial skill that can have a significant impact on one’s financial well-being. This includes maintaining a good credit score, which is crucial for obtaining loans, mortgages, and even securing employment. Proper management of credit also involves effectively using credit cards, paying bills on time, and keeping debt levels low. Monitoring credit reports regularly can help identify any errors or potential fraud, and taking steps to address them can prevent negative consequences. Furthermore, developing a budget and sticking to it can aid in managing credit by ensuring that payments are made on time and that debt is kept under control. Overall, managing credit requires responsibility and diligence in order to maintain good financial standing. 

Funding Higher Education

Paying for college can be a daunting task for many students and their families. With the rising costs of tuition, books, and living expenses, it’s important to carefully plan how to finance higher education. Scholarships, grants, and work-study programs can help offset some of the expenses, but often students and their families will need to take out loans to cover the remaining cost. Understanding the different types of loans available and their repayment terms is crucial in making informed decisions about financing college. It’s essential to create a budget and explore all available financial aid options in order to minimize the burden of student loan debt after graduation. Planning ahead and seeking out resources can help ease the financial strain of paying for college. 


Budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend and save money. It involves analyzing your income and expenses to determine how much you can afford to spend on various categories such as housing, food, transportation, and entertainment. By creating a budget, you can ensure that you are living within your means and saving for future goals. Budgeting also allows you to track your spending and identify areas where you may be able to cut back in order to reach your financial objectives. Whether you use a spreadsheet, an app, or simply pen and paper, budgeting is a valuable tool for gaining control of your finances and achieving financial stability. 


Investing is the act of putting money into financial schemes or endeavors with the expectation of achieving a profit. It involves a degree of risk, as the outcome is uncertain and can result in loss. However, investing is also seen as a way to grow wealth over the long term. There are various investment options available, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and mutual funds, each with its own level of risk and potential return. It’s important for individuals to carefully assess their financial goals and risk tolerance before investing, and to diversify their portfolio to spread out risk. Successful investing requires research, patience, and the ability to withstand market fluctuations. 

Behavioral Economics

Behavioral economics is a field that combines insights from psychology and economics to understand how individuals make economic decisions. Traditional economics assumes that individuals make rational choices based on all available information, but behavioral economics recognizes that people often make decisions that are influenced by cognitive biases, emotions, and social factors. By understanding these behavioral patterns, economists can develop more accurate models of decision-making and more effective policies to influence behavior. Behavioral economics has been used to explain phenomena such as why people tend to overspend, fail to save for retirement, and make irrational choices in the presence of a variety of options. It has also been applied to areas such as health, finance, and public policy. 


Choosing a career is a significant and deeply personal decision. It often involves considering one’s passions, skills, and future goals. Whether embarking on a new career path or seeking to advance within a current industry, careful planning and self-assessment are key. As individuals progress in their careers, they may encounter challenges and obstacles that require adaptability and resilience. Continuous learning and professional development play a crucial role in staying competitive in today’s rapidly changing job market. Ultimately, finding fulfillment and purpose in a career can lead to a more satisfying and rewarding professional life. 


Taxes are a crucial aspect of a functioning society, as they provide the government with the necessary funds to support public services and infrastructure. It is a compulsory financial charge imposed on individuals and businesses by the government to fund its various expenditures. Taxes are often used to finance essential services like education, healthcare, public transportation, and national defense. There are different types of taxes, including income tax, sales tax, property tax, and corporate tax. While paying taxes may seem burdensome, they are essential for the overall well-being of a country and its citizens, as they contribute to the development and maintenance of a prosperous and stable society. 


Insurance is a crucial aspect of financial planning, providing protection against potential losses and unforeseen events. Whether it’s health, life, auto, or property insurance, having the right coverage can offer peace of mind and security for individuals and businesses. By paying a premium, policyholders transfer the risk of potential financial loss to the insurance company, which helps in managing and mitigating potential risks. Insurance also plays a vital role in minimizing the financial impact of accidents, illnesses, and other unexpected situations. It serves as a safety net, providing support and compensation in times of need, allowing individuals and businesses to navigate through difficult times with greater stability. 

Consumer Skills

 Consumer skills are essential for navigating the marketplace and making informed purchasing decisions. These skills encompass a range of abilities, including the ability to compare prices and quality, understand product labels and advertising, and effectively manage one’s budget. Additionally, consumer skills involve being able to recognize and assert one’s rights as a consumer, such as the right to refunds or consumer protection laws. Developing strong consumer skills empowers individuals to make confident and educated choices about the products and services they buy, ultimately leading to greater satisfaction and better financial outcomes. It also helps in avoiding scams and fraudulent schemes, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more transparent marketplace.  Consumer skills are essential for making informed decisions and managing personal finances. These skills include being able to compare products and services, understanding contracts and agreements, and knowing how to budget effectively. It’s also important for consumers to be able to identify potential scams or fraudulent activities, as well as knowing their rights and responsibilities when making purchases. Developing consumer skills can lead to greater financial security, as well as increased confidence when navigating the marketplace. By honing these skills, individuals can become more savvy and informed consumers, making better choices and ultimately improving their overall well-being. 

The objective of NGPF is for every student to complete a semester-long personal finance course before they graduate from high school by the year 2030. 

NGPF’s mission is to ensure that every student receives a comprehensive personal finance education before graduating from high school by the year 2030. By providing a one-semester course on personal finance, NGPF aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed financial decisions throughout their lives. The organization believes that early exposure to financial literacy will empower students to manage their money responsibly, avoid debt, and build a secure financial future. With this mission, NGPF seeks to create a generation of financially capable individuals who are prepared to achieve their financial goals and contribute to a more economically stable society. 

Also read: What Finance Career Is Right For Me: A Comprehensive Guide

Q: What is Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF)?

A: Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) is a nonprofit organization that provides comprehensive and engaging personal finance resources for high school educators and students. It offers teaching resources and supports educators in teaching financial literacy, including stock education.

Q: How can teachers explore the resources provided by NGPF?

A: Teachers can explore the resources provided by NGPF by visiting the NGPF website and browsing through the wide range of teaching resources available for personal finance education, including stock education.

Q: What is required to register with NGPF as an educator?

A: Educators can register with NGPF by creating a free account on the NGPF website, which grants access to a variety of teaching resources and materials for personal finance education, including stock education.

Q: Does NGPF collaborate with partners for personal finance education?

A: Yes, NGPF partners with schools, districts, and other educational organizations to provide comprehensive personal finance education resources, including stock education, to educators and students.

What personal finance topics are covered in the NGPF resources?

A: The NGPF resources cover a wide range of personal finance topics, including budgeting, saving, investing, credit, and stock market education, to empower students with essential financial knowledge and skills.

Q: How does NGPF support educators in teaching stock education?

A: NGPF supports educators in teaching stock education by providing in-depth lesson plans, slide presentations, hands-on activities, and simulation exercises that enable educators to effectively teach stock market concepts to their students.

Q: What is the mission of NGPF regarding personal finance education?

A: The mission of NGPF is to empower educators and give students the education and tools they need to thrive in their financial lives, with the ultimate goal of reaching every high school in the U.S. by the year 2030.

Q: How does NGPF cater to Spanish-speaking educators and students?

A: NGPF provides resources and materials in Spanish to cater to Spanish-speaking educators and students, ensuring that a diverse range of learners can access and benefit from the personal finance education offered by NGPF, including stock education.

Q: How can educators become NGPF partners?

A: Educators can become NGPF partners by reaching out to NGPF through the provided channels to explore the benefits of partnership, including access to a wealth of educational resources and support for teaching personal finance, including stock education, to their students.

Q: What level of support does NGPF provide to schools serving low-income communities?

A: NGPF provides support to schools serving low-income communities, offering access to comprehensive personal finance resources, including stock education, to ensure that all students have the opportunity to gain crucial financial literacy skills.

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